Do you have frequent headaches? It is because; you are punishing yourself too much. It is time to stop punishing yourself.
Articles from August 2017
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Feeling stressed? Start gossiping with friends. It will increase your happiness generating hormone endorphin.
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Drinking 4 glasses of warm water early in morning will do away with uterus and related diseases in 10 days.
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Drinking ample water banishes headache.
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Solving Sudoku everyday can prevent dementia in advanced age.
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If you have sinuses, probably someone close to you annoys you a lot. Be friends with people around you. Your sinuses will disappear.
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Feeling sad? Increase your endorphin hormone production. Endorphin is a happiness generating hormone. Start exercising. It will increase your endorphins.
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Learning skills like painting can prevent dementia in advanced age.
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Not feeling hungry? Drink 4 glasses of warm water in the morning. Your hunger issues can be resolved in 10 days.
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Curry leaves contain beta carotene. It helps in preventing night blindness.