Is gas troubling you? You may have a fear which is gripping you. Release that fear and your gas will disappear.
Articles from October 2019
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Do you have stones in your gall bladder? Bitterness in life, hard thoughts are responsible for it. Bring in a lot of love in your life.
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Getting fatigued easily without doing much? There is a lack of love for what you do. Start enjoying your work.
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Lot of fat on the thighs? Release your childhood anger aimed at your father. Thighs will get restored.
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A lot of fat on the hips? Release your anger against your parents. Fat around the hips will burn out.
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Constipated? Release the garbage of the past. Your bowel movements will become smooth.
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Getting bald? Remove the fear and tension in you. You will not go bald.
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Pain in ankles? Ankles represent the ability to receive pleasure. Being happy is the key.
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Lots of acne on the face? You should stop disliking yourself. Accept yourself as you.
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Lot of aches in the body? Probably you are longing for love, longing to be held.