Drinking warm water tends to clear blocked veins. Those with blocked veins, should start drinking warm water.
Articles from July 2017
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Curry leaves contain folic acid which helps in proper production of RBCs, thus preventing folic acid deficiency anemia. Start taking curry leaves.
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Those with asthma, should immediately switch to drinking warm water. Warm water controls asthma.
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Curry leaves contain a good amount of iron. Regular intake of curry leaves will do away with iron deficiency anemia.
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Drinking warm water reduces pain in the joints. Those with arthritis, should start drinking warm water.
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Curry leaves have a lot of calcium. It will strengthen your bones, teeth and nails. Let it be a regular in your diet.
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Drinking warm water effectively controls high blood pressure. Start drinking warm water from today.
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Curry leaves have plenty of vitamin A. Eat it regularly. You eyesight will improve.
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Drinking warm water everyday, will do away with your migraine.
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Dairy products lead to type 2 Diabetes! Stop taking milk and milk products.