Had an anger burst out? Take care. You are at a risk of a heart attack within 2 hours of anger burst.
Articles from September 2017
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Drinking ample water is a sure sort way to flush out toxins from your body.
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Pain in the upper back? Emotional support from people around you is missing, that’s why you have upper back pain. Start connecting with people.
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Drinking 4 glasses of warm water early in morning will do away with your cholesterol in 4 months.
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Frequent migraines? Repressed anger in you triggers migraines. It is time to throw out your anger.
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If constipated, drink ample water daily. Your constipation will vanish.
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Feeling sad? Probably your endorphins are low. Listen to music you like. It will smoothen you.
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Drinking 4 glasses of warm water early in morning will do away with low blood pressure in 30 days.
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Problem with the eyes? It seems that you may not like to revisit your things of the past. Accept your past and your eye problems will vanish.
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Drinking 4 glasses of warm water early in morning will do away with your headaches and migraines in 3 days.