Eat a date in breakfast, a date in lunch and a date in dinner. Dates have insoluble and soluble fiber which helps in digestion of food.
Articles from December 2019
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Half cup of Lady finger has 7 grams of carbohydrates and 33 calories. You are full and it helps in weight loss.
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Eat a date in breakfast, a date in lunch and a date in dinner. Dates have estradiol and flavonoid which helps in increasing sperm count and motility.
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You don’t want cholesterol? Eat apples. Apples are rich in pectin fibre which helps in controlling cholesterol levels.
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Eat a date in breakfast, a date in lunch and a date in dinner. Dried dates have various phytochemicals in it. It helps protect against heart disease.
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Taking Flax seeds daily helps in multiple sclerosis.
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Eating garlic daily, strengthens immune system.
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You want a great looking skin? Eat Lady finger. It reduces acne and prevents psoriasis. It is a great skin detoxifier.
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You want your breathing to be good? Eat apples. Apples have polyphenols which helps in improving the general functioning of lungs.
Did you know that?
Eat a date in breakfast, a date in lunch and a date in dinner. Dates have a rich source of potassium. It helps in lowering of blood pressure.